Monday, November 11, 2013

Muzzleloader.... deer down

I went muzzleloading with my dad the week before Halloween, and a friend of ours got one!!!!! Yes!! More venison coming my way! It was a small buck, but the antlers and the size of the deer were legal, so it was shot.
In  other news, I got Swapforce, so I may make a few posts on that! Also, some really good games came out! Battlefield 4, Call of duty Ghosts, and more!
Also, today is Remembrance Day, so lets remember the soldiers who have fallen to give us freedom.

I got so excited when I saw the new Diary of a Wimpy Kid book, "Hard Luck"! I want it so bad!!!!!
Any books you guys want me to read? Let me know in the comments!!!

Follow me on twitter: @nosbo13. also check out my goanimate page, my clubcreate page, and friend me on roblox, all under the username nosbo2001.
Nosbo, out!