Hello there, viewers.
Today, I am talking about very serious topics, which you may find weird about my blogging. You guys might think I'm crazy, or blog random things, but I do have a mature life outside of what I do that people might think I crazy for.
First I am starting with the concept of bullying. If your being bullied, don't let it bug you. Do something about it. Tell a trusted adult or family member, and maybe someone you trust. If they are attacking you, push them off you or away from you, but don't start a fight, you might get in trouble.
Also, if the bully does get in trouble, and you don't think the punishment is fair, tell your teacher, or your principal. I once got bullied, and what the bully did to me was beyond kicking and punching, and even verbal abuse. I am not saying what happened, but all the bully got was to stay in for a recess, and write me an apology letter, that I didn't get to keep or see! The bully had to read it to me, and I should have asked for it.
Next topic is drugs. I have never done drugs, and I don't plan to take drugs. Drugs rot your brain, like weed, meth, and cocaine, plus the rest of illegal drugs. I overheard someone saying they were going to smoke (tobacco) when they were older, just to be cool. Smoking is not cool, and neither is taking drugs. You could be a drug addict when your older, and that's not good for you and your body, and depending on what drugs you take, you may die, and you don't want that, do you?
Last topic is, don't feel bad about how you look. God made you who you are, a unique person, with a great personality. Sometimes people feel bad about the way they look, and drop out of activities and clubs. Don't feel bad, if its something you love to do, don't drop out! Are you really going to stop something you love to do just because you feel bad about the way you look?
That is stuff I here about every day, and I wanted to something about it. So, by reading this, I hope that you will take this advice, and not put up with bullying, don't do drugs, and don't feel bad about the way you look.
Nosbo, out.
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